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Thursday, October 1, 2009

And my basket was born...

Oh well Congratulations to myself… I finally did it!!
It's been a while since I decided that i'm initiating my own blog but I’ve been always postponing and postponing until the title of the blog popped in my head!! I just needed a place to just throw whatever goes through my mind…

There are many reasons behind my urge to write and it starts with the fact that I’m sick of talking to myself about issues, topics, interpretations of actions, meaning of life (no no I won’t go to that extend and I’ll try to keep this to myself) but it’s a way to let things out and share what’s on my mind without having to overwhelm someone with my ideas.

The second reason lays in the fact that our brain doesn’t really have a history of what we think about, and when I say history I don’t mean “memory” (although I really have memory issues) but it’s more like “versioning”. You can’t imagine how much we evolve in our thoughts, perspectives, judgments etc… to the point that u sometimes don’t notice that you were just thinking the complete opposite like few months ago and you don’t get to notice what really changed your perspective…
So this will be my repository to throw everything that held my mind thinking for more than 2 minutes in whatever phase I’m going through!!

The third and last reason so far, is sharing… It’s nice to share your thoughts with people…When I created this blog I wasn’t really fond of the idea of “sharing” until I mentioned to my friend (who has a blog that I stalk most of the time) that I’m starting my own blog and hence his excitement made it for me. I always go and read his posts and I think it would be only fair to share with him and others, if they’re interested to know of course, what goes through another sick mind…

So here I am, hoping that this will be my first post (and not my last as well) and that many others would follow in the very near future.

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